Board of Directors of Emak S.p.A.
Approved consolidated results for the first semester 2020
Significant recovery in turnover in the second quarter (+7.3%)
Revenues from sales: € 247.5 million compared to € 243 million in the first semester 2019
EBITDA adjusted (*): € 33.2 million compared to € 31.1 million in the first semester 2019
EBIT: € 21.8 million compared to € 17.9 million in the first semester 2019
Consolidated net income: € 10.9 million compared to € 10.5 million in the first semester 2019
Net negative financial position: € 149.6 million (€ 120.7 million net of IFRS 16 effect), compared to € 169.1 million at 30 June 2019 (€ 136.3 million net of IFRS 16 effect).