Emak S.p.A.: filing of 2015 Financial Statements
and documentation for the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Bagnolo in Piano (RE), March 29, 2016 - Emak S.p.A. (MTA, STAR), announces that today the following documents for the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, called on April 22, 2016, have been filed at the registered offices and are also available on the Company's website www.emak.it, Investor Relations section as well as on the authorized central storage mechanism “eMarket Storage” consultable at the website, www.emarketstorage.com:
- Annual Financial Statement at 31/12/2015 pursuant to art. 154-ter, first paragraph, T.U.F., the related reports of the independent auditors and the Statutory Auditors;
- the Report on corporate governance and ownership structure, pursuant to art. 123-bis of the TUF
- Report on the Remuneration, pursuant to art. 123-ter of the TUF;
- Reports and proposals of the Board of Directors, pursuant to art. 125-ter of the TUF, on the items on the agenda of the Meeting of the points 1, 2 and 6.
It has to be noted that in the same form on March 11, 2016 have been deposited and made available:
- Reports and proposals of the Board of Directors, pursuant to art. 125-ter of the TUF, on the items on the agenda of the Meeting of the points 3, 4 and 5.
- The notice of the shareholders' meeting, with the indications on the exercise of rights by shareholders;
- The proxy forms used for the participation, by means of the designated representative ex art. 135-j, T.U.F., or by means of another delegate to the Shareholder's election.
Please note that the Article of Association and the shareholder meeting regulations are available at the registered office and on the website www.emak.it, Investor Relations > Documentazione Societaria > Documentazione Assembleare
Finally it is recalled that the publication of lists submitted by shareholders for the reappointment of Company Officers takes place on the same institutional channels by the day April 1, 2016.